Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shine! where things aren't shining

What if you had never heard that you were unique and valuable? Or what if didn't realize that you were making choices out of feelings of worthlessness? Or what if you had been told your whole life that you were a mistake? Or that you won't amount to anything, or you're not smart or you're not beautiful? I know I'm incredibly blessed to have grown up in the family and culture that I did. And yet, even with that, there, of course, are time I struggle.

Women here are not told the truth about their value, their uniqueness, their destiny, their freedom to be who they want to be.

We want to change that.

I was trained last December to lead Shine! a program produced by Hillsong (yes, the Hillsong that YOU know that makes w+rship CDs) out of Australia. It's an 8 week program for women and being done in over 10 countries. Each week, we talk about different topics such as worth, destiny, love languages, lies we believe and the actual truth, and the power to choose. We mix it in with getting our nails done, walking the red carpet and writing encouraging notes to each other--you know, girly things.

Starting tomorrow, a group of about 8 ladies who went through the training will be putting on the Shine program for 12 Vietnamese women that we know--our friends and our students.

The program is filled with TRUTH, but because of our location, we cannot say where we are getting our truth from.

This program is POWERFUL and changes lives, because TRUTH changes lives.

Please pr+y for the 12 ladies going through the program and the 8 ladies leading the program.

1 comment:

  1. Karissa, that's awesome. How can one find more information about starting a program like that?
